Commonly Asked questions

Our goal is to answer your questions before you have to ask them. Check out our answers below to some common questions clients ask us. We also write regular blog posts about different aspects of company formation in Turkey.

As always though, we are happy to talk about your specific questions – just contact us.

Who are Turkish Company Formation?

Our team is made up of qualified and experienced Turkish lawyers and businessmen. We are passionate about helping foreigners access local business opportunities and navigate Turkey’s notorious legal and regulatory bureaucracies.

Members of our team have formed many companies in Turkey for both foreign and local clients. You can read more specific information about our team members here.

What makes you different to other company formation agents?

Turkish Company Formation offers a unique product and approach in Turkey.


The most important point of difference is our passion and commitment to helping foreigners to access business opportunities in Turkey. Against this background, our primary goal is to facilitate a smooth and cost efficient Turkish company formation process for our clients. We value responsiveness, transparency, reliability, and professionalism.

Members of our team all speak fluent English and have lived around the world, including the USA, Belgium, Russia, Japan, and Turkey. We believe this sets us apart from other organizations as we have first-hand experience of the difficulties faced by someone conducting business in a foreign country.

Turkish Company Formation is an independent organization, which means we have the freedom to be flexible and provide you with highly customized support. We recognize that business opportunities do not all look the same, so we tailor our approach and package accordingly to ensure you receive the best foundation and support possible.

Another difference with other organisations is that we are interested in developing an ongoing relationship with your business, stretching well beyond the initial company formation. Ask us how we can support your business in Turkey

Just contact us if you would like to discuss any specific aspect of our approach or services.

How much will my Turkish company formation cost?

Our Turkish company formation package is a flat fee of €2,500, including tax. The flat fee includes everything: all documents, office visits, taxes, and official fees. Everything. There will be no surprise fees at the last minute.


We hope this approach provides some transparency and predictability to your budgeting. Specific details of the packages we offer are outlined here.

While we will not charge any surprise fees to form your Turkish company, we do offer another separate package for ongoing company maintenance and address hosting. You may wish to consider this package after we have completed forming your new company. For an annual fee of €1,900, we will provide the day-to-day services you need to meet your obligations for tax and business address.

How long will my Turkish company formation take?

We will form your new Turkish company within three business days after receiving the necessary documents and information from you.

The documents and information we require will depend on your specific circumstances, as well as the company type we are establishing for you. Our experienced specialists will discuss this with you in detail to ensure that you know what we need and also how to obtain this information.

In the meantime,we have summarized some general information about document requirements.

What documents do you need for my Turkish company formation?

The documents and information we require from you will depend on your specific circumstances, as well as the company type we are establishing for you. They will also differ depending on whether the company’s shareholders are real persons, or legal entities.

Our experienced specialists will discuss this with you in detail to ensure that you know what we need and also how to obtain this information.

We have summarized some information about document requirements.

Do I need a Turkish address to form my company?

Yes, a commercial address is compulsory to form and maintain a company in Turkey. The rules say you cannot use a residential address for this purpose. Government authorities are known to make physical inspections to check whether an address is commercial and whether it is actually used by the registered company.


Please talk to us if you do not have a local commercial address to use during your Turkish company formation process.

Once your company is formed, you may consider our separate package for ongoing company maintenance and address hosting. For an annual fee of €1,900, we will provide the day-to-day services you need to meet your obligations for tax and business address. You can read more about the company maintenance and address hosting package here.

Do I have to travel to Turkey to form my company?

Yes, an authorized representative of your company must visit Turkey during the company formation process.

During the process, the representative is required to attend the Notary’s offices with our specialists. In general, a trip to Istanbul lasting four business days should be sufficient.

Do I need to be a Turkish citizen or resident to form a company?

No. Anybody with a valid passport can form a company in Turkey.


This is a significantly simpler process than some other countries in the region, with far less onerous requirements on foreigners for forming a company. In fact, Turkish legislation specifically requires foreigners and local citizens to be treated on equal footing in this respect.

If you later decide to move to Turkey, talk to us about how we can help with the related processes and permits. Our partners at Permit In Turkey have much experience in this field.

Do I need to employ a Turkish citizen in my company, or have a local business partner?

No. Unlike some countries in the region, Turkey does not impose minimum thresholds for employing local staff, nor does it require foreigners to establish local partnerships.

Of course, you may wish to hire local staff, or partner with a local businessperson regardless. In which case, we are happy to help you understand and meet your local legal obligations, as well as ensure you are appropriately protected. Just contact us to discuss your specific circumstances.

Do I need a Turkish bank account to form my company?

No, you do not need a local bank account to complete your Turkish company formation.

Of course, you may wish to open a local bank account to manage your business finances. In this case, we are happy to help you understand the process and ensure that this runs smoothly. Just contact us to discuss your specific needs further.

What documents will I receive when my company is formed?

Once your Turkish company formation is complete, you will receive a Trade Registry Certificate, copy of your new company’s Articles of Association, and Tax ID.

Certain industries and company activities will require you to obtain additional permits before you may begin operating your business. Our specialists will discuss these with you, if they apply to your circumstances.

Can I name my company whatever I want?
Generally, yes. However, there are some restrictions and requirements you should know about. Please read this post on our blog for more information about the legal requirements and factors to consider.
Can we meet before I decide to use Turkish Company Formation to form my company?

Of course. We would be happy to meet to discuss how we can best support your business and for you to check us out.


You may also be interested in what our past clients have to say about us on our testimonials page.

I am not quite ready to form a company yet. Can Turkish Company Formation still help?

We are happy to talk about the factors you will need to consider, even if you are not quite ready to form your Turkish company yet.

Just contact us to set up a time to chat.

What are your payment terms and methods?
We request payment of our full fee up front, before we begin work to form your company. We accept cash, bank transfer, or credit card.
How can I contact Turkish Company Formation?

Whatever communication method suits you best, really.


We are happy to communicate via e-mail, Skype, phone, in person, or via our website contact form. We can even communicate via Facebook or Twitter, if you prefer.

Unanswered questions?

If you still have a question, please check out our blog or send us a message.